The Seven Deadly Sins Challenge (2023)

It’s time for an overhaul of my Seven Deadly Sins Challenge for the Sims 4! The game has come a long way since I last updated the challenge in 2020 — our sinners need some love (and therapy)!

Let me offer a few caveats right off the bat:

  1. You cannot fail at this challenge. It’s about sinning. If you skip, cheat, or change any of the stages, that’s fine! The one thing this challenge isn’t about is following the rules. No pack requirements, no lifestage length requirements, no requirements period.
  2. If anything squicks you out or makes you uncomfortable (or even just bored), don’t do it. Sims 4 is for fun, period. Your tolerance for Sims’ bad behavior may vary.
  3. I don’t mention either pets or livestock because I don’t involve them in the challenge. For animals, it’s best behavior or no behavior at all.

The Challenge:

This is a seven-generation legacy challenge in which one (or more) Sim per generation embodies each of the classic deadly sins: Sloth, Pride, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, and Greed. Each generation includes suggestions for traits, aspirations, careers, and bad, bad behavior, but don’t feel limited by my ideas! Enjoy the cathartic drama!

If you’d like to show off your gameplay on social media or the Gallery, I’ll find it easily at #7deadlysinssims4

Generation 1: Sloth
No real career. No degree. Your Sim has to make and raise an heir, but beyond that, they just slide through life. Enjoy napping, drinking juice on the beach, sleeping, neglecting your heir, and going with the flow.

Suggested Aspiration:  Any.  They just won’t care.  If you have Island Living, “Beach Life” is a great option. Fabulously Filthy is another great choice.
Suggested Traits: Lazy, Slob
Suggested Career: Odd Jobs and Part-Time Jobs only
Additional Slothful Suggestions:
Never use “Work Hard.” When people come to your Sim’s house, never ask them to leave. Sleep on the beach. Skip work and/or school whenever your Sim is in the mood. Leave bowls of food on the ground for your toddler heir. Back float in the ocean. Give your Sloth some roommates! Leech off their constant baking, never clean anything, fart during every conversation. Another potential storyline? Lazily find the romantic Sim who will take care of you. Maybe there’s a Sugar Sim out there with neat/family-oriented/ambitious traits whose life you can ruin with your apathy!

Generation 2: Pride
Maybe it’s because their parent was such a lump of nothing, but this generation wants to sparkle. This generation’s Sim will be famous, beloved, and in every way more interesting than their Sloth parent…and they’ll step on anyone to get there.

Suggested Aspiration: World-Famous Celebrity
Suggested Traits: Self-Absorbed and Self-Assured, High Maintenance, Ambitious
Suggested Careers: Acting, Entertainer, Style Influencer, Social Media
Additional Prideful Suggestions: Give them “plastic surgery” with cas.fulleditmode when they become a teenager. If you have Get Famous, rule Drama Club from childhood onward with an iron fist. Only make an heir with another celebrity. Send them to multiple Starlight Accolade ceremonies and make them curse and throw drinks when they lose. Live at the spa — you deserve the pampering. Steal the Stars of other celebrities (you can do that, right out of the ground!). Spread rumors. Dazzle. Win.

Generation 3: Lust
With all the resources passed down by their famous parent, this generation wants to have fun. They never settle down, they enjoy the thrill of cheating and they break hearts with glee. It’s about pleasure and conquest. Feelings? What?

Suggested Aspiration: Serial Romantic, Villainous Valentine
Suggested Traits: Romantic and Noncommittal
Suggested Careers: Any freelance career, Entertainer, Artist, Social Media, or Athlete
Additional Lustful Suggestions: See how many kids your Sim can bring into the world. Dance with everyone at Prom except the date that brought you. If you hire a nanny or a butler, find out if they’re up for seduction. See if your Sim can achieve every WooHoo option in the game. Find out how long it takes for any of your partners to realize they’re only one of a crowd. When someone breaks up with your Sim, win them back — and then cheat again, because that’s just the sinner you are. Break up other couples whenever you can — great romance is for you, not anyone else.
Update Notes: OK, I will talk about a NAP from Eco Lifestyle here. “Free Love” is great, but it makes this Sim not terrible as opposed to terrible. It’s your sinning challenge — you do you! But Free Love takes the bad out of bad behavior.

Generation 4: Envy
Whatever someone else has, this generation wants. They’ll lie, cheat, steal, dig, and plunder tombs to acquire important objects they shouldn’t have, just so no one else can have them. They’re special, and they show it through their possessions.

Suggested Aspirations: Curator, Fabulously Wealthy
Suggested Traits: Kleptomaniac and Jealous
Suggested Careers: Any! Work through as much of the Jungle Adventure gameplay as possible. If you don’t have Jungle Adventure, lean in to the Kleptomaniac trait and steal, steal, steal.
Additional Envious Suggestions: Why would you steal TVs and chairs when you could steal things that are important to other people? Look for art, cultural artifacts, trophies, and personal items. Steal from every museum, beat up Father Winter for gifts, and never give anything back. Set up a museum of infamy in your Sim’s basement. Become a vampire so no locked door can stop you. This generation is all about taking.

Generation 5: Gluttony
If the previous generation liked to take, this generation likes to consume. This isn’t necessarily about food — it’s also about overdoing it with nectar, woohoo, travel, partying, and whatever else tickles your Sim’s fancy. This Sim is here for a good time, not a long time.

Suggested Aspiration: Master Chef, Master Mixologist, Expert Nectar Maker
Suggested Traits: Glutton, Party Animal
Suggested Career: Culinary (either branch)
Additional Gluttonous Suggestions: Here’s where that “Free Love” NAP from Eco Lifestyle shines. Make out with ALL the people. Try to learn all the recipes in game. Throw Gold-rated dinner parties. Create a club dedicated entirely to food, drink, woohoo, and revelry, and see how long your Sim can keep a gathering going. If you have Island Living, earn the elusive Gold at a kava party. Skill all the way up in Dance. Throw every possible Social Event. Make ALL the nectar money. Run a food stall full of wildly overpriced items. Experiment with pufferfish. Celebrate, regardless of the consequences!

Generation 6: Wrath
This generation isn’t content with consumption — it wants to conquer. This generation takes what it wants through violence, scheming, and other nefarious activities, and if everyone hates them, that’s just fine. Wrath doesn’t want any friends.

Suggested Aspiration: Public Enemy
Suggested Traits: Mean and Hot-Headed
Suggested Career: Criminal (either branch), Secret Agent (Villain branch)
Additional Wrathful Suggestions: See how many enemies your Sim can acquire. If you have Strangerville, buy a ton of listening devices and bug everyone. Blackmail all the way! Make prank calls, send chain letters and spam money requests, cheat on your partners. See how many deaths your Sim can inspire! Always fight Father Winter for presents. Level Mischief to 10 and be a general nuisance whenever you can. Whatever is rude, vile, violent, uncouth, or smelly, do it. Fight everyone, all the time. Given the extra scare factor of Werewolves, consider adding that to your gameplay. Channel your Sim’s inner Greg!

Generation 7: Greed
This generation takes materialism to the extreme. While nearly every sin contains some aspect of greed, it’s time to spend your last generation securing your Sim’s financial and material legacy.  Build a fortune so amazing that it covers your family’s no doubt expensive legal fees.

Suggested Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy or Mansion Baron
Suggested Traits: Snob and Materialistic.
Suggested Careers: Business (either branch), Politician (Politician branch), Tech Guru (either branch)
Additional Greedy Suggestions: Never waste a simoleon. Keep those lights off when you’re not in the room. Never use the thermostat from Seasons. Go to the Flea Market and Haggle. Try to eat at other people’s houses and events, not on your own dime. Take advantage of bar specials. Sell whatever you scrounge or make, unless it fits your Sim’s vision of their legacy. If you choose Politician for your Sim, use that influence to the fullest — your real cause is YOU. If you have Get Famous, buy a Vault and enjoy all the money-loving activities it allows. If you have Eco Lifestyle, just yawn and roll your eyes at all those eco-freaks running around with air vacuums. You’re in your air-conditioned mansion, and when someone has to go cough in the smog, it’s your butler, not you. Totally have a butler.

For all generations:
If you have the right packs, consider which Occult Sims might be fun. Vampires wrathfully turning the whole town into bloodsuckers? Slothful Mermaids who never want to set foot on land? Gluttonous Werewolves who eat eat eat?

For children and teens:
Lean into those defining traits early. Coast through high school. Have constant detention. Hack and do mischief from the school computers. As a child, rule the playground. Start a club so your little friends can do your chores. Be sassy! Keep it age-appropriate, but you can always sin early, sin often.

And that’s sinning & simming! Check out my content at,, or Thanks for reading!


(Gallery link here. Thank you so much to the Spring Collab crew for the invite and the amazing chat and company over the last couple of months. Hearts all around!)

Rain let out a sigh before setting a marble in the center of the kitchen floor. He watched with no surprise as the marble wobbled, then rolled eastward toward the gap beneath the fridge. His shoulders sagged, then hunched as warm arms encircled his waist from behind.

“I didn’t marry you for your level floors and right angles,” Juniper said, and Rain’s shoulders eased slightly at the warmth in her tone.

“Good thing,” he muttered, then sighed again.

“Need me to say it?” she asked. A kiss brushed against his shoulder blade. One of the kids crashed through the room and out into the chilly spring morning. He half-expected Juniper to rush out after her, but his wife’s embrace remained firm. When he nodded, he felt her smile against his bare back.

She launched into the reassuring speech they’d worked out together. “We’re fine. The kids are fine. The crops are fine, the farmhouse is fine, the bees and fish and trees are fine. We’re fine.”

Some days, the words lacked power, but not today. He let them wash over him like sunshine, and patted her hands where they rested over his stomach. “Right,” he said. “We’re fine.”

The Seven Deadly Sins Legacy Challenge

Originally published on Feb. 4th, 2020 by sim_michele

The Seven Deadly Sins Legacy Challenge leads your Sims through the worst traits, careers, and aspirations Sim-kind has to offer. In seven generations, experience sloth, pride, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and finally greed.

There aren’t a lot of RULES (it’s a sin challenge, after all), just guidelines and suggestions to help you really lean in to that sinful Sim life. This is a super tongue-in-cheek challenge, given that your Sims will be horrible children, parents, partners, employees and friends. Just horrible. If a generation or a task disturbs you, skip it.

And, because I’m even more of a builder than a player, each generation has a build challenge. Not a builder? Give it a try, or just break the rules and skip that part of the challenge. Who’s going to stop you? I’m not your supervisor!

Generation 1: Sloth
No real career. No degree. No spouse. Your Sim has to make and raise an heir, but beyond that, they just slide through life. Enjoy napping, drinking juice on the beach, sleeping, neglecting your heir, and going with the flow.

Aspiration:  Any.  They just won’t care.  If you have Island Living, “Beach Life” is a great option.
Starting Traits have to include: Lazy, Slob
Suggested Career: Odd Jobs and Part-Time Jobs only.
Build Component: Build humble, build cheap! Try starting with 5k instead of 20k, and build whatever you can build! In your future Sloth dwellings, try to keep to that slothful, don’t-care, meh style of housing!
Additional Slothful Suggestions: Never use “Work Hard.” When people come to your Sim’s house, never ask them to leave. Sleep on the beach. Skip work and/or school whenever your Sim is in the mood. Leave bowls of food on the ground for your toddler heir. Back float in the ocean. Don’t amass a personal fortune of more than 5k or so (excluding house/possessions). Sleep.

Generation 2: Pride
Maybe it’s because their parent was such a lump of nothing, but this generation wants to sparkle. This generation’s Sim will be famous, beloved, and better than you — and they’ll do anything to achieve that.

Aspiration: World-Famous Celebrity
Traits at aging into Young Adult should include Self-Absorbed and Self-Assured
Suggested Careers: Acting, Entertainer, Style Influencer, Social Media
Build Component:  The lounges in the game are nowhere NEAR cool enough for Pride. Make a better lounge!
Additional Prideful Suggestions: Give them “plastic surgery” with cas.fulleditmode when they become a teenager. If you have Get Famous, rule Drama Club with an iron fist. Only make an heir with another celebrity. Send them to multiple Starlight Accolade ceremonies and make them throw tantrums when they lose. Steal the Stars of other celebrities. Spread rumors. Win.

Generation 3: Lust
With all the resources passed down by their famous parent, this generation wants to have fun. They never settle down, they enjoy the thrill of cheating and they break hearts with glee. It’s about pleasure and conquest. Feelings? What?

Aspiration: Serial Romantic
Traits at aging into Young Adult should include Romantic and Noncommittal
Suggested Careers: Any freelance career, Entertainer, Artist, or Athlete
Build Component: Your Sim probably has a bunch of cash by now. Build them their perfect woohoo-inspiring boudoir.
Additional Lustful Suggestions: See how many kids your Sim can bring into the world. If you hire a nanny or a butler, find out if they’re up for seduction. See if your Sim can achieve every WooHoo option in the game. Find out how long it takes for any of your partners to realize they’re only one of a crowd. When someone breaks up with your Sim, win them back — and then cheat again, because that’s just the sinner you are.

Generation 4: Envy
Whatever someone else has, this generation wants. They’ll lie, cheat, steal, dig, and plunder tombs to acquire important objects, just so no one else can have them. They’re special, and they show it through their possessions.

Aspiration: Curator
Traits at aging into Young Adult should include Kleptomaniac and Jealous
Suggested Careers: Any. Work through as much of the Jungle Adventure gameplay as possible.
Build Component: Between the items your Sim steals, buys, and plunders, they’re going to end up with a lot of stuff. Before they become an Elder, build them a museum (could be just a room in your Sim’s house) featuring the best of their belongings!
Additional Envious Suggestions: Why would you steal TVs and chairs when you could steal things that are important to other people? Look for art, cultural artifacts, and personal items. If you don’t have Jungle Adventure, really lean in to that kleptomaniac life — steal from every museum, beat up Father Winter for gifts, and never give anything back. This generation is all about taking.

Generation 5: Gluttony
If the previous generation liked to take, this generation likes to consume. This isn’t necessarily about food — it’s also about overdoing it with juice, woohoo, travel, partying, and whatever else tickles your Sim’s fancy. This generation doesn’t think enough is ever enough.

Aspiration: Master Chef
Traits at aging into Young Adult should include Glutton and Foodie
Suggested Career: Culinary (either branch)
Build Component: Build them an over-the-top restaurant that embodies the spirit of “gluttony.”
Additional Gluttonous Suggestions: Try to learn all the recipes in-game. Throw Gold-rated dinner parties. Create a club dedicated entirely to food, drink, woohoo, and revelry, and see how long your Sim can keep a gathering going. If you have Island Living, earn the elusive Gold at a kava party. Skill all the way up in Dance. Throw every possible Social Event. Celebrate, regardless of the consequences!

Generation 6: Wrath
This generation isn’t content with consumption — it wants to conquer. This generation takes what it wants through violence, scheming, and other nefarious activities, and if everyone hates them, that’s just fine. Wrath doesn’t want any friends.

Aspiration: Public Enemy
Traits at aging into Young Adult should include Mean and Hot-Headed
Suggested Career: Criminal (either branch)
Build Component: Make a hideout for your criminal and their crew (residential or non-residential, you decide)
Additional Wrathful Suggestions: See how many enemies your Sim can acquire. If you have Strangerville, buy a ton of listening devices and bug everyone. Blackmail all the way! Make prank calls, send chain letters and spam money requests, cheat on your partners. See how many deaths your Sim can inspire! Whatever is rude, vile, uncouth, or smelly, do it.

Generation 7: Greed
This generation takes materialism to an extreme. While nearly every sin contains some aspect of greed, it’s time to spend your last generation securing your Sim’s financial and material legacy.  Build a fortune and a mansion so amazing that the family will be remembered forever.

Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy OR Mansion Baron
Traits at aging into Young Adult should include Snob and Materialistic.
Suggested Careers: Business (either branch), Politician (Politician Branch), Tech Guru (either branch)
Build Component: Build a mansion worth at least $250k simoleons.
Additional Greedy Suggestions: Never waste a simoleon. Keep those lights off when you’re not in the room. Go to the Flea Market and Haggle. Try to eat at other people’s houses and events, not on your own dime. Take advantage of bar specials. Sell whatever you scrounge or make, unless it fits your Sim’s vision of their legacy. If you have Get Famous, buy a Vault and enjoy all the money-loving activities it allows.

Thanks for playing along! I’d love to hear about how the challenge went for you. You can leave comments here, or find me on Twitch at or Twitter at @micheleblue14. Date at the top of the post will reflect the most recent revision. xoxoxo


Trisha Bernstein skipped her high school graduation (which was iffy anyway) to attend a music festival in Sulani. She hitched a ride on a cargo ship, spent two weeks sleeping on the beach…and when the time came to leave the islands, she realized she had neither the money nor the will to do so.

Her little shack is blue, drafty, and right on the beach. For money, she picked up a night shift at a shrimp shack for tourists. Things were going just fine until a super buff Glimmerbrook guy in town for the weekend showed her a good time, and long story short, her new baby Miranda keeps her awake way too often. At least daycare’s free.

Creating a Challenge

I’m working on a Sims 4 challenge based around the Seven Deadly Sins. Here’s the first draft. Thoughts?

The Seven Deadly Sins Challenge takes your Sims through the worst traits, careers, and aspirations Sim-kind has to offer. In seven generations, experience sloth, pride, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and finally greed.

In each generation, try to embody the Sin as much as possible, and if you think of extra details to make your Sim’s journey more sinful, go for it!  Take your time, enjoy it.  Lean in to sin!  And because I’m a builder, every generation includes a building task to embody the particular sin.

No career. No degree. No spouse. Your Sim has to make and raise an heir, which means their child has to eventually join their household. But how it happens? Meh. The Sim doesn’t care much.

Aspiration:  Any.  They just won’t care.  If you have Island Living, “Beach Life” is a great option.
Starting Traits have to include: Lazy, Slob
Suggested Career: Huh? Odd Jobs. Occasionally.
Additional challenges:  Place your new Sim in a lot, bulldoze the lot, and use the Money cheat to set their wealth to 5k simoleons.  Build them an under-5k house for their lazy slob life.

Maybe it’s because their parent was such a lump of nothing, but this generation wants to SPARKLE. Think celebrity, having their name in lights, being known by everyone! It’s all about fame and influence.  Their heir is an accessory, just like a gorgeous handbag or a great pair of shoes.

Aspiration: World-Famous Celebrity
Traits at aging into Young Adult should include Self-Absorbed and Self-Assured
Suggested Careers: Acting, Entertainer, Style Influencer, Social Media
Additional challenges:  Orchid-A-Go-Go?  Orchid-A-No-No.  Make them a lounge worthy of their fame.

With all the resources passed down by their famous parent, this generation wants to have FUN. They never settle down, they enjoy the thrill of cheating and they break hearts with glee.

Aspiration: Serial Romantic
Traits at aging into Young Adult should include Romantic and Noncommittal
Suggested Careers: Any freelance career
Additional challenges: Build the perfect boudoir for your Sim, and let it inspire your Sim to have children with more than one partner.

Whatever someone else has, this generation wants. They’ll lie, cheat, steal, dig, and plunder tombs to acquire important objects, just so no one else can have them. They’re special, and they show it through their possessions.

Aspiration: Curator
Traits at aging into Young Adult should include Kleptomaniac and Jealous
Suggested Careers: Any. Work through as much of the Jungle Adventure tombs as possible.
Additional challenges: Steal at least $50k simoleons of STUFF over the Sim’s lifetime.  Build a room or museum where you show off your ill-gotten gains!

The previous generations’s collecting wasn’t enough. This generation is all about excess. They do whatever they want, as long as it’s WAY too much.

Aspiration: Master Chef
Traits at aging into Young Adult should include Glutton and Foodie
Suggested Career: Culinary (Chef Branch)
Additional challenges: Build them an over-the-top restaurant that embodies the spirit of “gluttony.”

This generation isn’t content to just consume — it wants to CONQUER. This generation takes what it wants through violence, scheming, and other nefarious activities, and if everyone hates them, that’s just fine. Wrath doesn’t want any friends.

Aspiration: Public Enemy
Traits at aging into Young Adult should include Mean and Hot-Headed
Suggested Career: Criminal (Boss Branch)
Additional challenges: Make a hideout for your criminal and their crew.

This generation takes materialism to an extreme. While nearly every sin contains some aspect of greed, it’s time to spend your last generation securing your Sim’s financial and material legacy.  Build a fortune and a mansion so amazing that the family will be remembered forever.

Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy OR Mansion Baron
Traits at aging into Young Adult should include Snob and Ambitious
Suggested Careers: Business (either branch), Politician (Politician Branch), Tech Guru (either branch)
Additional challenge: Build a mansion worth at least $250k simoleons.